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Cervical Procedures

Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion

This surgery removes a herniated or diseased disc and relieves neck and radiating arm pain caused by parts of the disc pressing on nerve roots.

For more information about Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion, click on below tab.

Anterior Cervical Disc Replacement

This procedure replaces a diseased or damaged spinal disc with a specialized implant designed to preserve motion in the neck. This procedure can relieve the pain of pinched nerves in the cervical spine.

For more information about Anterior Cervical Disc Replacement, click on below tab.

Laminectomy (Cervical) with Fusion

This procedure removes a section of bone from the rear of one or more vertebrae to relieve the painful and disabling pressure of stenosis. The spine is then stabilized with rods and screws.

For more information about Laminectomy (Cervical) with Fusion, click on below tab.

Lumbar Procedures

Lumbar Disc Microsurgery

This minimally invasive technique is used to remove the herniated portion of a vertebral disc. It is 95% to 98% effective in eliminating leg pain (sciatica) caused by nerve root compression. The procedure is performed through a small incision on the back.

For more information about Lumbar Disc Microsurgery, click on below tab.


This procedure relieves pressure on the nerve roots in the spine. It is most commonly performed to relieve the pain of stenosis. This is a narrowing of the spinal canal that is often caused by the formation of bony growths that can press against the nerve roots. The surgeon may treat one or more vertebrae.

For more information about Laminectomy, click on below tab.

Spinal Fusion

Spinal Fusion, also called Arthrodesis, is a surgical procedure to join two or more vertebrae together in order to provide stability and strength to the spinal canal and eliminate pain.

For more information about Spinal Fusion, click on below tab.

Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

TLIF is generally used to treat back or leg pain caused by degenerative disc disease. The surgeon will stabilize the spine by fusing vertebrae together with bone graft material.

For more information about Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion, click on below tab.

Anterior lumbar Interbody Fusion

ALIF is generally used to treat back or leg pain caused by degenerative disc disease. The surgeon will stabilize the spine by fusing vertebrae together with bone graft material.

For more information about Anterior lumbar Interbody Fusion, click on below tab.

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